Sunday, July 17, 2011

50 days of summer

Right now I have this urge to write. I can finally come up for air after putting all my time and energy into the next step of fulfilling my dream. The MCAT. I took it yesterday and felt motivated while I was taking it because I basically knew that I could get my summer back and start lining up the next pieces of my life after I had finished. Luckily, (crossed fingers) I felt pretty good about it. Not awesome. But consistent. It didnt seem like a curve ball, just a straight forward pitch.

So now I want to write. I want to express anything and everything that has been building up or is about to happen. I thought about starting a new blog because it would be like pulling out a clean sheet of paper only internet style but I opted against that. I like used paper, past doodles, and the ease of familiarity.

They (not sure who they are) say blogging tends to have more direction when there is a deadline for something, when there is a reason other than the idea of blogging to just be blogging.

So I gave myself a deadline slash direction.

I have 50 days of summer left, correction I fell like my summer is now beginning so there isnt anything left, there just are 50 days of summer for me. 

My plan is simple. Write everyday for 50 days about my summer. My post MCAT summer. My 50 days of summer "bucket" list that exist but doesnt exist all the time. I have things I want to do and things I will do just not things I feel I have to do before the summer is over. 

Let my summer begin...

Hopefully it is a memorable one filled with good thoughtful insight and interesting experiences. 

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